
Sogni Di Pepperoni

A game about saving your pizza shop... You are imprisoned by your rival. They are ruining your pizza orders with pineapples! And, the wizard next cell is helping you by opening a portal to your shop. In the end, you are correcting your pizza orders from the dungeon.

My Role:
Solo Game Developer
Game-A-Week Jam
Time Spent:
6 days
Role Playing, Action


Make an open source Physics themed game in a week.

While I was making Sogni Di Pepperoni I spent the first 3 days for ideation and the last 3 days for development. Design, on the other hand, was fluid and game had got reshaped several times during the development phase. I aimed combining multiple emotions and sharp transitions between them through a touching narrative with audio & scene design.

Programming for Prototyping

It was a big challenge to write the code for prototyping because I was mostly writing the code for production which takes more time than prototype development. While working on this project, I mastered spending my time wisely in significantly short time.

Combining In-Game Elements

While making a game in a week is limiting the possibiilties, I accepted it as a challenge and aimed to highlight the beauty of simplicity. To achieve this, I developed a couple of functionalities that works in harmony.

Tuning & Adjustments

Considering the need of tuning the difficulty and designing levels, I have developed a modular Quest System that works with my Level Manager. Each pizza object comes with its own quests and informs the level manager upon successful gameplay.

Modular Starter Kit

I have utilized my open source Unity Starter Kit (Click to see repo) for this project. Thanks to the modular development approach of mine I have come up with a couple of reusable scripts from this project too.

Level Manager

I developed an automated level manager that handles a couple of functionalities. It tracks the start of the level, tracks level index, handles successful and fail gameplay and does the required modifications in the scene, changes musics according to the level state, eventually calls the end scene upon completing the final level. It also acts as an editable tool through the Editor which makes it a perfect manager for Game A Week environment.

Level Class

Level class is a simple solution for creating Level objects. It provides 2 public functions and handles the notification of a successful gameplay. The public functions were developed to work with Quest Class.

Quest Class

Quest class finds its level object and informs about the progress of the quest. It receives the informaiton from the ToppingCounter class which tracks the current toppings of the pizza object. It makes sure that the toppings stay on the pizza for a while before considering it as a successful hit.

Unity Physics

Used multiple Physic Materials for different materials such as mozarella and tomato sauce. While mozarella is more sticky, the tomato sauce is more slippery. Also developed a script that boosts the bounciness of the pineapples and pepperonis.

Throw Controller

Rapidly developed this throw controller that is editable through the Editor. It handles the throw functionalities and also handles the UI indicator.

Narrative Controller

Developed a narrative controller that initiates level starts and works with the level manager in a harmony. It increases the narrative index upon successful levels and provides a progressive narrative during the gameplay.

Available on ITCH.IO